Lent Starts Tomorrow! Need some ideas on how to give your time to God? Check out: An Invitation to Create Time for God in Your Day
Time is a gift and an essence of love. Giving our Time and Love to God is to welcome Him into our hearts and develop a deeper spiritual relationship with Him. Similarly, giving the gift of Time to your family and loved ones lets God’s brightness and love shine through you. We have 168 hours in one week. Consider praying for ways to explore creating a new habit this Lent that includes intentionally spending Time with God’s word and others. The link below has a helpful list of simple and easy ways to develop habits of giving our Time and Love to Him. God will continue to pursue each of us every hour, every day; and Lent is a good reminder of this.
View the document on our website for some great ideas that you can implement throughout Lent!
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