Becky Schmid

Mrs. Becky Schmid

Becky Schmid

PS3 teacher, 8th grade Algebra and Social Studies teacher

Started at Notre Dame:

Bachelor or Arts in Elementary Education with a minor in Math from North Central College

Family highlights:
Mr. Schmid and I were married at Notre Dame in 2010.  Maureen and Megan are attending school at Knox College and University of Dubuque, respectively. Jacob is in 2nd grade at Notre Dame

The impact of faith:
My faith and working at Notre Dame has been a symbiotic relationship.  Working at Notre Dame has increased and developed my faith, and because of my faith I am a better teacher. I love teaching the young students about Jesus' life and sharing with the older students how my relationship with God has impacted my life.

Free times and pastimes:
I love to read, do puzzles, travel and to be outside. I enjoy gardening, swimming, bike rides, running, and playing games with my family.

Favorite quote/philosophy:
Be the change you want to see in the world.

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